During and after a crisis or disaster, it will be vital that you and your household eat enough to maintain your strength. Survival foods that require no refrigeration, preparation, or cooking are best. Include vitamin, mineral,and protein supplements to ensure adequate nutrition.
It is recommended you store enough food for at least 2 weeks. Remember you may have to share with more people than you originally planned for. Make sure you have a manual can opener and disposable utensils. If your water supply is low, avoid fatty, high-protein or salty foods.
Meals Ready to Eat (MRE’s) are perhaps the easiest way to secure your ideal nutrients and we recommended this particular survival food.
The brand XMRE make tasty nutritious meals that can include amongst many, Asian Beef Strips with Veggies, Chicken Burrito Bowl and even Pepperoni Pizza. I suggest buying these buy these by the box as a couple will not be enough. It can be hit and miss which particular individual meals you get from them in a big box like this, but it is ok because they are all pretty damn good, XMRE is our recommended choice:

Maybe you bugging out and on the move, and want to keep moving without stopping to eat? An item we really like are these easy to carry, convenient MRE bars:

To compliment your MRE’s here are some foods recommended by the American Red Cross that you can obtain yourself locally that will keep very well during a crisis.
- Canned, condensed meat and vegetable soups
- Canned fruits, fruit juices and vegetables
- Hard candy and canned nuts
- Jelly
- Peanut butter
- Ready-to-eat cereals and uncooked instant cereals
- Vitamins
- Baking powder
- Bouillon products
- Dried corn
- Dry pasta
- Instant coffee, tea and cocoa
- Soft drinks
- Vegetable oils
- Salt
- Soybeans
- Wheat (for breadmaking)
- White rice
- Fast Growing Seeds
Making sure you are balancing your nutritional needs and getting your vitamins with such limited foodstuffs, not to mention creating interesting meals, can be difficult. I recommend purchasing special MRE’s online and your other basic foodstuffs from local markets.
For some easy bug out meal ideas, have a look at my article Easy Meals For Bugging Out.